
Session 6: Protocol Layers in Open RAN vs. Legacy Networks | Split Layers

2024-04-02 3 Dailymotion

Welcome to Session 6 of our Open RAN series! In this session, we'll dive into the intricate world of protocol layers, discussing their disaggregation in both legacy network components and Open RAN components. We'll also explore the 3GPP splits for protocols, examining the various options available for these splits.

Architecture of ORAN and Open RAN Components: We'll provide an in-depth look at the architecture of ORAN and Open RAN components, highlighting the key differences and innovations that set them apart from traditional network architectures. We'll explore how these components work together to create a more flexible, efficient, and cost-effective network infrastructure.

Service Management and Orchestration (SMO): This session introduces SMO, focusing on its role in managing and orchestrating services within the Open RAN environment. We'll discuss how SMO enhances network efficiency and performance by automating resource allocation, optimizing service delivery, and ensuring seamless operation across diverse network elements.

Working Groups in Open RAN: Lastly, we'll explore the various working groups in Open RAN that are driving the evolution of this technology. These groups play a crucial role in shaping the future of Open RAN and ensuring its compatibility with emerging technologies. We'll discuss the goals and objectives of these working groups, as well as their contributions to the development of Open RAN standards and specifications.

Join us as we simplify the complexities of protocol layers, architectural designs, and the collaborative efforts shaping the future of Open RAN. Don't forget to subscribe to the "Learn and Grow Community" for more insightful content on telecommunications and network technologies, and share your feedback with us!

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